馬祖日報編按:德國手風琴音樂者水兔(Till Hasbach)今年9月上旬藝術進駐東莒大埔,以「X」換住宿生活夥伴,直10月初離開,停留近1個月期間,演奏「馬祖頌」、與小朋友、王建華及曹祥官等玩音樂,以及中秋佳節前夕,和英國Alexander在大坪藝文廣場熱情演出,不僅讓島嶼充滿跳躍音符,也使東莒散發異國風情。
This video is part of musical story's of "Donju Island" located in in the Matsu islands.
The song is an interpretation of the Tofumasters, Wang Xi Gugang‘s, life on Donju Island.
The recording and idea happened within my two month staying & working in the Cultural Diversity Studio, located on Donju island.
Music and lyrics: Till Hasbach
Camera: 郭佳昀
Editing: Till Hasbach
影音/他們叫我豆腐哥(They call me Tofubrother) 東莒王喜官--Till Hasbach
- 2015-11-24